dog park

Flea and Tick Season is Coming

Don't let these creeps make a meal out of your pooch!
Don't let these creeps make a meal out of your pooch!

It's no secret I'm not a fan of winter. I don't like the cold, snow, ice or any of it except that we get a break from the pesky insects Minnesota is known for. It may not feel like spring is really here yet, but the temperatures have warmed up enough that it is time to prepare for flea and tick season. The increased temperatures mean all the creepy crawlies are coming back and it's better to be ahead of the game. Fleas can cause skin irritation, flea dermatitis and spread tapeworms in addition to being a major discomfort to you and your pet.   Ticks can spread over a dozen diseases and can also cause infection at the bite site. Like most health and wellness concerns for our pets (and us) prevention is the best medicine. There are so many great preventatives on the market. Talk to your vet to find the best option for your dog and start it when they recommend (usually April or May in Minnesota though some vets recommend using a parasite preventative year round).

These are the types of ticks you may find on your dog.
These are the types of ticks you may find on your dog.

Once your dog is on flea and tick preventative medicine check regularly as your pet can pick up pests before they are killed. Fleas can be caught from wild animals or eggs laid in the environment (even your backyard). Ticks are often found in long grass and wooded areas, although I know many dogs that have picked them up at local dog parks. Regular bathing and grooming your dog is a great way to get a look through their coat for any unwelcome pests.

The life cycle of the common dog and cat flea.
The life cycle of the common dog and cat flea.

Bubbly Paws is a flea and tick free zone so make sure you are covered before coming in. If we find fleas on your dog we will ask that you take your dog home ASAP. If there is a tick on your dog let us know and a Bubbly Paws team member can remove it, dispose of it properly and clean the bite area. Stay protected with good prevention and enjoy a summer free of worry about pests on your pet!

Dog Park Warning

I was watching the Channel 5 News last night and wanted to share this important dog park safety warning for anyone that goes to the  which is part of the 3 Rivers Park District.  Someone has been putting dog food and treats out with glass in them.   This is also an important warning for any dog park, to make sure you watch and pay attention to what they are getting into.  We have been to dog parks where owners pay no attention to the dogs. As always we want to make sure your pooch is always as safe as possible and provide you with the latest dog news.  The news story is below, or click here to read more..  

Yea! Snow!

roxy and her stick at the minneapolis dog parkI have lived in Minneapolis for almost 10 years, and this winter is by far my favorite!  It actually makes me LOVE minnesota winter :)  I think back 1 year ago when we were in the process of building Bubbly Paws and I was helping the construction guys bring stuff in and how cold your hands would get even if you had gloves on! Even Roxy would get cold when it was -30 outside.  Now, fast forward to this winter.. PERFECT!  Today when it started snowing we took Roxy to the dog park.  She loved running in the fresh dusting of snow.  When we left, she found a stick that she wanted to carry all the way back to the car.  When we got to the car, she would not get in because she wanted to chew it.  OK, so there ya go.. This whole blog post had very little to do with the dog wash, but heck, it was entertaining.... I hope! We have something really cool we have been working on, and if all goes well, we will let everyone know what it is on Monday :)

Have a good night!


Dog Park Dirty!

Linus after the dog park in Minneapolis, MNI stopped out to the Dog Wash this afternoon to drop off some new sweaters and doggy holiday gifts... This big dog walks in and looks like a dalmation mix... Then I really started to look at the dog and realized it was Linus who comes to our doggy daycare, and he was all muddy from the dog park!  HA!  Seriously, he must have had a good time because he looked like he got into a fight with a mud puddle! Make sure you swing into Bubbly Paws and check out our growing collection of sweaters and jackets!

Have a good night!



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