our soap is dope — News — Bubbly Paws : Self Service Dog Wash and Grooming

our soap is dope

Thanks Sarah

Pax is modeling the new Bubbly Paws Dog Wash t-shirts! About 3 weeks ago, Trycia and were having dinner at Pizzeria Lola and sent a text message to our photographer friend, Sara Beth.  The text said "have any cool ideas for a slogan for the  Dog Wash".  About 5 minutes later, I got a text back with a few slogans, and there was one that Trycia and I kept laughing at..... "Our soap is dope!"... So it suck.. All through dinner we kept laughing at it..

Then later in the day, we asked Sarah to help design the shirts, and she thought we were kidding and mocked up some super cheesy design with a bar of soap in it.. We finally told her we were 100% serious and she came up with the real look!!

Thanks Sarah Beth Photography for a kick butt slogan!

Random note about Pizzeria Lola... We go there about once a month for dinner, they have a great outside dog friendly patio with a treat bar!  They played a huge part in our new slogan, and they had no idea they even helped... All they did was provide yummy pizza and cold beer!

Have a good night!